Build Firebaseapps now,not later

This NextJS template has everything you need to build your next SaaS project with Firebase fast.

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Hey there, I'm Ronald

I love building little side projects and *hopeful* SaaS apps, but I often find myself repeating the same code over and over again.

A lot of folks make boilerplates but they charge way too much money for me to buy them.

So I made my own, open-sourced it and I'm giving it away for free!

A picture of me!
Why Firebase?

I personally fell in love with Firebase and have been using it for around 4 years. I like the NoSQL db, I like the GCP environment and feel comfortable in it. However, there's lots of other options and I may port this library to support those other platforms in the future.

It doesn't mean it's the best for everyone, but if you want to prototype fast, Firebase is the way to go IMO.

Why Stripe?

It's the bog-standard payment processor when it comes to building SaaS apps. However I do understand there are some great alternatives on the market. In the future I may port this repo to support other processors as well!

Why Mixpanel?

Mixpanel is a great application for tracking user behavior and user click events. The free plan is pretty generous too and I've been using it for years.

Why DaisyUI?

I actually just started picking up DaisyUI, it's pretty cool and I like a lot of the default styles so I said eff it, let's start building with it.

Swapping out component libraries is pretty easy though, and I may even build out alternative repos using things like NextUI or <pick-your-component-library-poison-here>

Why should I use this?

If you don't like building apps with NextJS and Firebase, you probably shouldn't.

I'm really just solving my own problem here, but if you're like me and love NextJS, and you love Firebase, and you want to spin up apps faster... then this is for you.

Like what I made and want to support me?

I'll gladly take donations, as none of my SaaS apps make money yet

(Also I needed to build something to show off the stripe integration, c'mon)

I do consulting for startups!

Want me to build an MVP for you? I can do that.

Need help improving your sales funnel and tracking growth? I got you.

FireSaaS - Made with love